Striga is a wide-spread problem in upland rice in sub-Saharan Africa. The video explains the agronomic principles that help rice farmers to reduce Striga problems in their crop. The 21-minute video shows four different principles that contribute to a reduction of Striga infestation:
1. Crop rotation or intercropping, including leguminous species
2. Direct seeding in previous crop residues without soil tillage
3. Fertilising the soil with chemical and organic fertilisers, and
4. The use of a Striga resistant rice variety
These first three practices also strongly benefit soil conservation and soil fertility. Farmers describe in their own words their experiences with these practices and explain why and how it is done. The video is available in five languages, French, Malagasy, English, Swahili and Portugese.
Partners: AfricaRice, Cirad, FOFIFA, GSDM; Donor: AfDB, through the SARD-SC project.
Video, French, Weeds, Rainfed upland, Learning
9 years, 2 months ago